I really don't have a post in mind, but wanted to let you all know that I'm doing great!!! Health wise couldn't be better (well maybe I could be, but that not the point).
I have been getting a lot weddings (that's a good thing) and also I have posted a listing on Craigslist (click here) for my business.
Nothing really else is going on just wanted to let you guys know that I have been thinking of you....Hope all is well with you guys...
To all of my fans out there!!! (I think there is about 7 of you out there)
I have been running like crazy for the last two months and I glad that it has come to an end.
As you all know that I have been in and out of the ER dealing with health issues, and then also trying to work on my DJ business. I have a blog in mind that I want to write, instead I have been trying to take some time to myself. I just got home from a two day stay with my friends that I went to college with. I have a strong group of guys that keep me sane. We had a wonderful time, but its always great to be home.
I have a really busy morning/day/night today with running errands and getting ready for the busiest day that my business has had to overcome.
I'm going to be doing two shows today. My first show is something that means a lot to me personally. Its a prom/dance for a children's home with kids with disabilities. Since I came disabled three years ago I jumped at the chance to show this kids that no matter what you can still achieve your dreams...so that is from 5-8 tonight. Then I will drive 25mi to work a bar from 9:30 to 1:30. So since you can see that my day started at 5:13am its going to be a long day, but it will be worth it.
Also in addition to all this I have been going to a mens prayer breakfast every Friday morning (I might miss a Friday or two) since I moved back to town 4 yrs ago. I don 't know how long they have been meeting for sure but, will find out this morning. (update: found out that it has been going on between 10-12 yrs.)
So, inclosing I really feel good health wise (thanks be to God for that) and me and Brett are going to start going to the gym this weekend so that will be a great change.
Song of Post (Just came up with that), This song is a older country song but, my pops (who passed away in October really loved this song!!! He is also, the one who made me love country music!!!)